Radon is a gas that’s odorless, invisible, and heavier than air. Since it can be difficult to detect, you could put yourself and your family at risk if your home has a radon issue that you are unaware of. Radon is forced upward from the earth and is usually found in the basement. Its dangers are in its radioactivity. Over prolonged periods of time, people can develop cancer if they are unaware of their exposure to this dangerous chemical.
However, Right Choice Home Inspections can check your home for radon. Our state-of-the-art equipment takes a quick reading of the current levels, and we’ll be able to tell exactly how safe the building is. We would be happy to reassure you if your home is within the safety levels, and our team can help you know what to do in case the radon levels are unsafe. After all, we are here to provide you and your family with the peace of mind that you deserve.
Radon testing is ideal for anyone who is ready to purchase a new home or for families hoping to feel a bit more at ease while enjoying their day-to-day lives. With more than three decades of experience, we are confident in our ability to perform the necessary tests quickly and with minimum intrusion. Receive quality results from licensed specialists by getting in touch with the team at Right Choice Home Inspections today.